Saturday 20 March 2010

Oh Inverted World, Goldheart Assembly and some Celebs.....

Well, what a night Thursday was.

The chaps from Oh Inverted World!, one of our finest promoters at The Old Queen's Head, delivered one hell of a show.

Headlining the proceedings were the amazing Goldheart Assembly, who due to some contractual issue's with those big dogs at Live Nation weren't allowed to be advertised as playing the show till the day before.

Apparently this was something to do with their sold out big show at the ICA which is on the horizon - so as you can imagine having them play at OQH was quite a coup.

I hadn't seen them before, but had heard great things, and they didn't disappoint. A lot of bands (anything folky) get comparisons to Fleet Foxes, and these guys are no exception with songs laden with beautiful harmonies & melodies, but along with Mumford & Son's & Fanfarlo they do it with a class of their own.

They were supported by the strangely named Ivan Ink and Pen (who contary to the almost comedy name are actually very very good) and a new female singer/song writer called Slow Moving Millie.

There were also some rather interesting and varied celebrities in the audience, including....
Jay Darlington (Kula Shaker & Oasis Keyboardist

Romeo (The Magic Numbers Lead Singer - not the chump from So Solid Crew)

One of The Feeling

'Lunchbox' from The Full Monty

& Some cast members from Holby City & Skins

I wonder if they all arrived together? Maybe they're all Friends?

Anyways, the next Oh Inverted World! night is on Thursday 22nd April and they have the rather special James Vincent McMorrow coming over from Ireland playing.

Here are some pictures from last Thursday for you....

Goldheart Assembly

Goldheart Assembly

Goldheart Assembly

Ivan Ink & Pen

The Oh Inverted World! Massive

Thursday 18 March 2010

Summer Camp

So, I was listening to loads and loads of new bands a minute ago, and one sprang out of my speakers. They are called Summer Camp

I don't know much about them, but they are playing their first gig on the 8th April at The Lexington which judging by some of the comments being banded around on the blogger sphere should be quite an occasion.

They remind me of a more electronic Ooberman (if you remember those chaps). It might just be the male female vocals and gentle melodies.

There is also something about it that reminds me something old - not in a retro musical way but like looking at an old faded photo that had been in the sun too long and reminds you of happy times.

I am fully aware that I have just compared a sound to an object and it sounds slightly pretentious. I think I am right though.

Friday 5 March 2010

DJ Ruth Flowers

Here at The Old Queen's Head we are always striving to unearth the newest, freshest DJ's going to soundtrack your night out here. We don't just limited our eyes and ears to this country either - we scour the world looking for hot international talent to grace our hallowed decks - and on this occasion we have surpassed ourselves!

Bringing you French sensation DJ Ruth Flowers.....

Thursday 4 March 2010

Tuesday 2 March 2010

The Old Queen's Head Easter All Dayer!



The Old Queen’s Head Bank Holiday Parties have become legendary fixtures on the London scene. We're talking a 15 hour marathon of non stop house party hedonism, with a soundtrack supplied by some of the worlds best DJ's!
Adam Freeland
MJ Cole
Joe Ransom
Bunji Thump

Adam Freeland

First Aid Kit - video from their gig here!

Hey Yo!

Just a little post today to show you a video of the lovely First Aid Kit which was taken here when they played in December! Enjoy!

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Peggy Sue - Live Videos

Some video's from Peggy Sue's live album playback at The Old Queen's Head on Monday -filmed courtesy of the lovely folks at GreenHouse!

Peggy Sue – Watchman
Live At The Old Queen’s Head 22/02/2010

Peggy Sue - Watchman from Brittney Bean on Vimeo.

Peggy Sue – Yo Mama
Live At The Old Queen’s Head 22/02/2010

Peggy Sue - Yo Mama from Brittney Bean on Vimeo.