Wednesday 25 March 2009

I Think We're Alone Now!

A certain topic has continued to crop in conversations with mates over the past few days, so I feel that it is probably worth a quick blog.

Picture the scene, you have been out at the Old Queens Head, you’ve had a few drinks, a bit of a dance and you have been fortunate enough leave with a new friend that you’ve made; fun times are potentially on the cards. At this point there are so many things racing through your mind. Do you go back to their house or yours? Did you remember to replenish your durex stockpile in your wallet before you went out? Do you even remember their name, because she is bound to pick the most inappropriate moment later to ask whether you remember it? But whilst all this is racing through your head, you are having to think about the most important decision that you can make all night…In the event of ending up back at your place, what music are you going to play?

Over, the past few days I have come across a rather eclectic mix of music that people I know like to listen to whilst they do the dirty. It seemed to be a general consensus that the time-honoured standard of spinning a bit of Marvin Gaye may be a bit passé these days. However, I think that there may have been a problem with my research in the field, as all these discussions seemed to be between male friends of mine. So, when I canvassed the opinion of my female housemate last night, without hesitation she went straight in with a bit of ‘Sexual Healing’! Boys, ladies obviously love Marv!

Maybe it’s time to reassess my tactics, as I was thinking that if I was lucky enough to tempt a lucky young lady back to my lair that I would love to whack on a bit of Celine Dion, ‘My Heart Will Go On’. Just imagine the look on her poor face. Firstly she is starting to sober up, in the process realising that she has had the misfortune of ending up with me, but she is also discovering that I was going to try it on with her whilst imagining that I was in Titanic. If she did not leave immediately at this moment, I would be slightly worried for her standards/sanity.

Another option that was put forward by a friend was to play anything by Boards of Canada. Just imagine the kind of sex that is going to be – it would probably be followed by some Belle and Sebastian and then a little post-coital cry! Another friend ventured ‘Danger Zone’ by Kenny Loggins; yes, it is that tune of Top Gun! Is this friend tying to tell me something about his sexuality? This same friend that text me this morning telling me that he was wearing a cowboy hat at work.

Therefore, I think what started out as a rather standard conversation about what’s the best music to get busy to, has ended up revealing something much deeper. It has revealed the very essence of an individual’s true identity! So, whilst you are sitting there just try and think of your top five sexy desert island discs and then try and think what is says about you. Don’t worry, it can’t be as bad as what Celine say about me!


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